Academy Newsletter

Summer 2022 (Issue No. 2)

This newsletter is by and for participants and alumni of the Maryland Climate Leadership Academy, the nation’s first state-sponsored institution providing continuing education and executive training programs specifically designed for state and local government officials, infrastructure executives and business leaders.


A Look at the Maryland Climate Leadership Academy 5 Years in …

This Fall, we will host a series of virtual town halls to explore where the Academy is and can go, and as we return to some semblance of normalcy, we are looking forward to Academy alumni informing that direction. Academy co-founder Daniel Kreeger (ACCO’s executive director) shares insights on the Academy’s launch and evolution in this 5-year update.

Q&A with DNR’s Gabe Cohee:
DNR Grants Gateway Open for Proposals

This summer, the state announced that Maryland’s Chesapeake and Coastal Grants Gateway (Grants Gateway) has re-opened to solicit proposals for state fiscal year 2024 projects that foster healthy ecosystems, communities, and economies that are resilient in the face of change (funding available July 1, 2023). Read this issue’s Q&A with Gabe Cohee, Director of the Maryland Chesapeake & Coastal Service’s Office of Restoration and Resilience.

Project Spotlight:
Climate Change Resource Guide

Earlier this summer, Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for Montgomery County, RMI, and Crosswalk Labs hosted a workshop in Wheaton, MD with regional stakeholders to get feedback on the beta version of a CO2 emissions data tool Crosswalk Labs is launching in fall 2022. The tool is designed to give municipal and state planners, as well as citizens and advocacy groups, easy access to high-quality and low-latency emissions data.

Maryland Climate News & Commentary

Upcoming Academy Training Programs

CC-P Prep Program (Cohort XVIII)
Starts September 13, 2022

CC-P Prep Program (Cohort XIX)
Starts October 31, 2022

CC-P Prep Program (Cohort XX)
Starts November 8, 2022

Career Opportunities

Announcing the Academy’s New ListServ:
Phase Two

The Maryland Climate Leadership Academy has unveiled a new ListServ to link Academy alumni and facilitate announcements, community dialogue and information sharing. The ListServ leverages Google Groups, an easy-to-use resource familiar to most alumni already used by the State of Maryland.

Alumni Spotlight:
Natali Fani-Gonzalez, CC-P

Air Quality Planner
Baltimore Metropolitan Council

  • Title: Candidate for Montgomery County Council District 6

  • Degree: BS in International Relations and Political Science, Goucher College

  • Year earned CC-P: 2022

  • Years involved in climate-related work:
    7 years as former vice chair of the Montgomery County Planning Board, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

  • Published reports/articles: Investing in Safe Streets (Parks & Recreation Magazine)

  • Professional goal: “I am focused to earn my seat on the Montgomery County Council, MD this year so I can use my CC-P knowledge to pass laws that protect our environment and our community.”

  • Climate idol (for this month):
    Miranda Wang, CEO and co-founder of a Silicon Valley–based startup, BioCellection, that transforms the most commonly used and unrecyclable plastics into new materials using pioneering chemical technology.