Maryland Climate Leadership Academy Newsletter
Winter 2022 | Issue #1
Q&A with UMCES’ Dr. Katie May Laumann:
Maryland Coastal Adaptation Report Card
On January 21, 2022, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) released the first Maryland Coastal Adaptation Report Card that gives a snapshot of the current adaptation status in Maryland’s coastal counties and establishes a framework for measuring future progress. The report card concluded that the State of Maryland fairly well-adapted to handle continuing threats of climate change and earned an overall score of B-. Some indicators that were measured already meet, or are close to meeting, current adaptation goals, while others require significant investment to achieve adaptation goals.
The Maryland Climate Leadership Academy invited Dr. Katie May Laumann, who led the development of the report card at the UMCES’ Integration and Application Network, to participate in a Q&A with us:
Dr. Katie May Laumann
Science Integrator, UMCES
Tell us about this report card. What is the intent of the report card and how do you envision it will be used in the future?
The Maryland Coastal Adaptation Report Card provides a snapshot of how well Maryland is adapted for climate change. It uses data on progress toward adaptation goals to identify where we, as a state, can improve our ability to withstand climate change related events.
How did the concept of this report card come together? Who was involved in its development?
The state has been putting funding and effort into coastal adaptation for over a decade. When it was realized that there was no framework to track the progress of these efforts, the idea for the Report Card was born. The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s (UMCES) Integration and Application Network (IAN) led the development of this Report Card. The Maryland Commission on Climate Change (MCCC) Adaptation and Resiliency Workgroup (ARWG) provided support. Funding came from The Maryland Coastal Zone Management Program in the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
How often will it be updated? Who will continue to contribute to it?
Ideally the Report Card should be updated annually. This would allow us to track progress toward the adaptation goals as Maryland’s efforts to prepare for climate change continue. The Integration and Application Network (IAN) at UMCES has not yet secured funding for updates, but is seeking funding.
IAN is also seeking funds to develop report cards at the county level in order to identify what adaptation efforts are most needed at the local level. Several jurisdictions have expressed a need for report cards specific to their counties.
Is Maryland the first state to create an adaptation report card? Are there other states with similar tools developed or efforts underway? Do you expect states to use Maryland's as a model?
Maryland has been a leader in coastal adaptation, and is the first state to create a report card to assess it! Programs in other states help communities plan for hazards such as flooding, but these states could benefit from a comprehensive Coastal Adaptation Report Card like ours.
What resources did you consult in building this report card (e.g. Federal agency sustainability performance report cards)?
Over 100 stakeholders from various sectors were included in developing this Report Card. Contributors included state and federal emergency management planners, scientists, other experts, and community members. We used data from many sources, including county-level flood plans, state offices including the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and federal agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
What response(s) are you seeing since the report card was announced and published?
The report card has been discussed in several news outlets, as well as referenced in presentations by Maryland state officials.
Where can people go to learn more about this initiative?
The Maryland Coastal Adaptation Report Card and the associated methods document can be found at:
A recording of the report card release event is available below. Further information is available by contacting Dr. Laumann at